Why Do We Resist Change?
Change can be uneasy for most of us, which is why we resist it in many ways. Professor Rosabeth Kanter of Harvard Business Review, talks directly about leaders resisting change. However, her list can relate to all of us despite our occupation. The best way to ease up on change is to understand the resistance in each situation and then strategize how to go about it. Nonetheless, here are some reasons people resist change.
Feeling at a Loss of Control
One reason people resist change is because they feel that will “lose control” of the situation. Being in control gives them safety and security. Once they give that up, they feel that particular change will take over them and it just isn’t true.
Not Wanting to Deal with Uncertainty
People would rather be miserable than deal with the unknown. Rosabeth states, “If change feels like walking off a cliff blindfolded, then people will reject it.” Meaning, if people don’t know what’s coming for them then they’ll find a way to beat around the bush. In order to feel certain, you need to be able to create simple goals so you are not overwhelmed.
Surprise Visits
Sometimes, when we experience an unknown feeling, we don’t even have time to get used to it or even prepare for the consequences. This is what causes people to hold onto the past making it unbelievably hard to let go.
We Simply Don’t Like Change
As humans, we are used to our habit of ways. However, a habit was once a change for you, was it not? Our routine becomes automatic and we are uncomfortable dealing with changes. The best thing you can do is remain focused on things that are important and use that as a distraction tool for the unknown.
More than anything, we fear change. We fear that we won’t be able to handle the situation. We question our competence and how much we can really take.
Resentment Says It All
Once we resent something, we have a hard time changing our thoughts about it. More so, we struggle trusting the process that things will get better. Experiencing a setback is absolutely normal but it’s how you deal with the setback that says it all.
Ultimately, change is not easy on anyone and most people don’t like getting used to something different or sudden.I hope you can relate to these reasons and find a way to ease up on that change. Remember that you don’t need to figure it all out. Use one of the reasons and question your resistance towards it. If you need help, our counselors are always here to help you. Talk to one today!
“You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” ~Martin Luther King