Breaking it is hard to do.
People with behavioral health conditions are more likely to smoke. Psychologists are among those working to understand why and helping them quit.
Fellow mental health care professional, Kirsten Weir, American Psychological Association:
. “Nicotine is a very powerful drug, and that’s true whether somebody has a mental illness or not,” says Judith Prochaska, PhD, MPH, a psychologist at the Stanford Prevention Research Center at Stanford University.
In some cases, people may be using tobacco to mask symptoms or medication side effects, McAfee, New England Journal of Medicine, says. Some might also be more affected by nicotine withdrawal. “People with panic attacks, for instance, may have a harder time quitting because the symptoms of withdrawal — such as increased heart rate — can trigger an attack,” he says.
Nicotine can improve attention and concentration, Morris, PhD, Associate Professor, University of Colorado Denver, says, there are appealing benefits for some mental health patients. However, nicotine’s benefits are short lived.. “Of course there’s a benefit, “These individuals want to quit, they can quit and providers in the behavioral health-care system have the best skill sets to help them,” he says.
A positive note is that people who live with mental issues had substantial quit-rates, which were almost as high as the group without issues.
Psychologists are a key to this.
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