Dear Matt, Thank You!
I recently received an email from a former client of mine. Reading her email was enlightening not because I advised her to take prescribed medication, yet because she made a change on her own . I felt relieved knowing that she was doing okay. I can tell she made a change by the way she was talked and expressed herself. Hence, I felt the need to share her commentary. Please be advised that medication isn’t for everybody and it may take a few tries before finding the right medication and dose.
“Dear Matt,
Thank you for suggesting that I go on prescribed medication. I know this was a long time coming and I apologize that I haven’t done it sooner. If I did, maybe my life would have been different and I would have felt better a long time ago. Nonetheless, I had to make a decision when my new therapist suggested it to me. I figured that it didn’t hurt to try. As you know, I was always against it, which is where my resistance came from.
Anyway, I got in touch with my cousin-in-law, who is a nurse practitioner and we went over my options. I told her what was going on and the homeopathic medication I was taking. She suggested that I take sertraline, which is a generic version of Zoloft. She told me that it’s one of the many medications that has the least side effects. The second we got off the phone, I was interested in purchasing it. On Black Friday, I picked it up, took it that night and felt better the next day. It’s been about a month now and I feel amazing. I have a few moments of outburst and anger but I don’t feel down or depressed. Therapy is going well and I have a central focus of my life.
Life isn’t perfect, yet I am feeling much better now than before. Again, thank you for suggesting prescribed medication to me. I wish I had done it sooner. I hope everything is going well with you. Let’s catch up some time!
Your client
Ultimately, medication isn’t for everyone. As a therapist, I can’t go against a clients wishes if they don’t want anything prescribed. People reject medication for its price and doctor visits so I understand why she felt resistant to it. Her decision took on changes in other areas of her life. She adjusted to waking up early in the morning, began working out, reconciled with her former friend, began to go out more and cut her hair to shoulder length. This is completely opposite from how she used to be. With all this amazement and change, all I can tell her is “Your welcome, but you did all the work so you should really thank yourself.” If her story inspired you to get help, visit our site and talk to one of counselors today. It’s just one click away!