Anxiety and Depression on College Campuses
Parents, Be aware of their needs and the limited resources on campus
This is as real as move-in day and the first day of class.
“Rates of anxiety and depression among college students in the U.S. have soared in the past decade. There’s more awareness of problems, risks and diagnoses, and combined with the stresses of college life, schools are trying to figure out the right course of treatment, counseling and intervention”.
“Traditionally, and historically, depression was always the number one thing that students brought to university counseling centers. About four years ago, that flipped. And now anxiety is the number one presenting problem that students bring to the counseling center at Ohio State, as well as nationally. And depression is number two. And that divide between anxiety and depression grows each year”.
“But the care that Colleges are able to offer varies widely from campus to campus. You have some college campuses that are able to have an on-site psychiatrist, but there are many that don’t. There are many campuses which don’t have as many hours available at their counseling center, who are staffing the center with interns or trying to rely more on peer education and faculty intervention, simply because they don’t have the resources that they need”. (Jennifer Ruark, editor of The Chronicle of Higher Education, a new series about what it calls an epidemic of anguish. and Micky Sharma, director of the Association for the University and College Counseling Center, also Director of the Office of Student Life Counseling at Ohio State. HARI SREENIVASAN interview excerpts, PBS NEWSHOUR, September 4, 2015)
This is where Counseling on Demand comes in. Parents, your young college student need not go through this alone. With our support, he/she can get through these times. You can too.
Consider the cost of personal therapy and counseling as integral as tuition, computers and pizza. The dividends of strong mental health rank right up there with good grades and job prospects on graduation. Resources well allocated.
We can help. He/she needn’t leave their favorite/private place. Nor must they wait for an appointment. We are there 24/7. They can begin in 24 hours or less. You can too; for your peace of mind, even though what goes on in their sessions is strictly confidential, we can assure you of the benefits of our commitment to them and to a beneficial outcome. Your confidence in the process can help you to support them in their struggles.
You and they may contact us now. Our first consultation is free.
We await your call, email or text directly. If you want a face-to-face, we can Skype you on your computer, cell phone or tablet. Check out our chat line.