Cindy Jackson, Career Coach
The Heart of the Counseling on Demand Team
Counseling on Demand supports an integrated system of wellness care, to that end we are excited to introduce new team members, critical in the components of wellness and mental health.
Systems Approach
Intertwined with Mental and Physical health is personal success, self-awareness, and self-actualization. Learning to manifest personal success can have a profound effect on mental and physical health.
Counseling on Demand is pleased to introduce Cindy Jackson, Career Coach.
Cindy Jackson, Career Coach
Focus Areas
- Personal Strategy
- Organizational Development
- Coaching – Career
- Career Transition
- Outplacement
- Military Transitions and Placement
Post Graduate Work Information Management from Capella U.
MBA – Management & Technology from Kent State University
BS Psychology Kent State University
Certified Recruiter
How she came to this career area:
“There is more to an organization than a collection of skills, there is a natural complex adaptive system at work in every organization if you are in a system that fits you, you will shine. If an organization hires for attitude and trains for skill it will shine. “
Coaching Approach
Let’s look at all of you. Your professional experience, your education, your community engagement, and your ability to coach and develop others as well as your history of quantifiable results. This is your body of work. It is far more than the sum of your key words. Fitting you to the right organization is as important as hitting your salary target.
How She Can Help You
If you are re-examining your current career, frustrated at the lack of growth opportunities, feel unheard and invisible in your current role. Let’s talk about the options. Where you shine, what you need and how to get there.
Welcome to Counseling on Demand, Cindy Jackson. Be sure select her as an option for your counseling and wellness needs.