An historic day, November 11, the 11th day of the 11th month, we celebrate Veterans Day.
Thank you to all who served (and are serving) – and to their families.
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs observes- currently:
“Almost all service members will have reactions after returning from deployment. These behaviors and feelings are normal especially during the first weeks at home. Despite the challenges of integration, most service members will successfully readjust with few problems. However, seeking solutions to problems is a sign of strength…Having knowledge, coping skills and social support will positively influence your ability and attitude to handle the uncertainties of post-deployment and better prepare you for the coming integration.”
But they are not alone. A USA Today special report shows:
“More than half a million Americans with serious mental illness are falling through the cracks of a system in tatters. The mentally ill who have nowhere to go and find little sympathy from those around them often land hard in emergency rooms, county jails and city streets. The lucky ones find homes with family. The unlucky ones show up in the morgue.”
“We have replaced the hospital bed with the jail cell, the homeless shelter and the coffin”, says Rep. Tim Murphy, R-Pa, a child psychologist leading the effort to remodel the mental health system. “How is that compassionate?”
States looking to save money have pared away both the community mental health services designed to keep people healthy, as well as provide the hospital care needed to help them after a crisis.
We at Counseling on Demand agree. We, along with our mental health colleagues, are fighting to stem the tide. But we are not enough. We must all join together to open more in-patient facilities (and pay for them) by letting our State Governments know its crucial importance. Will this raise our taxes? Probably. But how much more is the Cost of Not Caring?
Let us know how you feel at the address below.
Matthew Hunt
Lead Online Counselor, CEO
Counseling On Demand, LLC
Tel: 317-445-4006
“Effective Online Counseling…
Only A Click Away”