Psychotherapy and Depression Efficacy of Online Counseling
The World Health Organization (WHO) estimated in 2020 that depression effects 264 million people worldwide. Depression can be an enduring chronic condition or a situational response in an acute situation.
Psychotherapy which is usually 10-12 sessions of about an hour where the trained Psychologist or Counselor helps the client to unravel past trauma and trigger events that may lead to surges in depression.
Traditionally, this was done in a professional’s office but the uptick in the need for telehealth, especially in the time of COVID-19 has provided greater quantity of online, on-demand counseling from the privacy of home.
Depression can result in physical exhaustion, social isolation, and an inability to manage daily routines. Having the counselor “come to you” can allow treatment even in the worst of episodes. On days when depression drives you back under the covers, it is still possible to work on therapy and personal wellness goals.
Does it work?
A 2018 study in the Journal of Psychological Disorders reported that online or tele-med delivery of counseling is as effective as face-to-face therapy in the treatment of major depression, panic disorders and anxiety disorders.
An INC Magazine article in July 2019 noted 3 peer reviewed studies all indicating that online therapy was an effective, accessible treatment for depression and anxiety disorders. The article also listed advantages of online therapy including privacy, anonymity, affordability, and accessibility.
The ease of selecting an online counselor is better than ever. Counseling On Demand and similar platforms offer a variety of Trained Mental Health Professionals along with Enthrive Mobile Application and a full line of Certified Coaches in a variety of specialties. This allows you to select the therapist you would like based on their credentials, approach, and availability.
Layering a psychotherapy strategy with a personal strategic plan, a life coach and a wellness coach can impact wellness most effectively. Visiting with a medical doctor to rule out any chronic disorders, pharmaceutical side effects or comorbidity impacts will clear the way to a systems approach to focus on find a pathway to mental and physical wellness. Depression and mental health issues can reduce quality of life, reduce participation in the things we love and can lead to severe and enduring symptoms unless effectively treated.
Online therapy is an effective, approachable, and available treatment for Depressive Disorders and Anxiety/Panic Disorders. Counseling On Demand may be the place to find a team to help you regain the quality of life you deserve.
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